Sunday, October 30, 2011

"The Path"

L and I have been talking about getting to this art show,
and we finally found the time to make it happen today. 

This is "The Path," a show curated by Bryn Oh for the new LEA project.
Politically support it or curse it, it's giving some of my favorite artists a few prims and
a little recognition (VERY little: where's the Linden love again?).

My heart goes out to Miso who has not been feeling well lately;
she remains my favorite artist working in SL.
But "The Path" allowed us to see new work from Bryn, Scottius Polke, and Rose Borchovski,
and introduced me to some other folks as well.

Read a great account of the show here at Prim Perfect by Rowan Derryth (my kin folk! :)

Colin Fizgig as usual creates NPiRL mind/body confusions.

Maya Paris added animations to make spiders even more fun than they normally are.

Rose's work rarely makes me feel on the edge of the world.  On edge, yes, edgy, yes.

I loved playing with L in these crazy falling animations in Rose Borchovski's contribution.

Gorgeous gorgeous show.  Great narrative and solid experience.

"Host Tricia Aferdita takes us to "The Path", a collaboative art installation organized by Bryn Oh and the Linden Endowment for the Arts. We meet artists Colin Fizgig, Marcus Inkpen, Douglas Story & Rose Borchovski; four of the nine artists involved in the narrative."

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